Team Details

EMDM > Katarina Aškerc Zadravec

Katarina Aškerc Zadravec

Katarina Aškerc Zadravec is a vice dean for quality and internationalisation at Ljubljana School of Business, Slovenia, and she also performs private research and consultant work on higher education. Previous to this role, she was the head of the higher education sector and the Senior Adviser at the National Erasmus Agency, with which she still cooperates as an external advisor/evaluator of the projects. She was a head/coordinator or was actively included in several national and international strategic projects. Katarina was also the main responsible person at the national level for the preparation of the Strategy of Internationalisation of Slovenian Higher Education. Katarina holds PhD in Educational Sciences, she is a researcher with a focus on internationalisation of higher education and she (co)authored and (co)edited several papers and publications on these topics. Since 2020, Katarina is an elected member of the EAIE Expert Community Internationalisation at Home.